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Category: Lent

Thoughts on Holy Thursday



Jesus trifft sich mit seinen Jüngern
sie essen gemeinsam
gemeinsam essen schafft Verbindung
schafft Vertrauen
vermittelt Zusammengehörigkeit
fördert Gemeinschaft


Er bricht das Brot
teilt es auf
jeder bekommt seinen Teil
alle werden bedacht
keiner geht leer aus
sie sind eine Gemeinschaft


Wir feiern zu Seinem Gedächtnis
wir kommen zusammen
Brot wird gebrochen
jeder bekommt ein Stück
keiner wird vergessen
sind wir eine Gemeinschaft?

Holy Week – Easter – one try (Inspiration Gisela Baltes)

Eine besondere Woche

Eine besondere Woche liegt vor uns

Die Fastenzeit haben wir fast überstanden,
verhielten uns anders?

Wir dachten über unser Leben im Alltag nach –
kehrten bei uns ein
kehrten unser Inneres nach außen
nahmen an Exerzitien teil
wir wollen den Pfad wieder finden,
von dem wir im Alltag etwas abgekommen sind
Druck aus vielen Richtungen ließ uns Abkürzungen wählen
oder Umwege gehen.

Am Palmsonntag hören wir das erste Mal die Leidensgeschichte Jesu.
eine Reportage über die letzten Tage seines Lebens auf Erden
er ist seinen Weg bewusst und konsequent gegangen,
obwohl er wusste, was am Ende ihn erwartet.

Er nahm das Leid bewusst auf sich, um uns das Leben zu schenken:
ein Leben in Liebe füreinander.

Wir werden die Passion in den nächsten Tagen wieder hören und lesen
und werden an das viele Leid auf dieser Welt denken
so viel, dass wir es gar nicht fassen können.

Wir würden daran zerbrechen ohne das Vertrauen auf Gottes Gegenwart.

Durch Jesus hat uns Gott seine Liebe gezeigt,
sein Lebensweg weist uns den Pfad
einander mit Liebe, Achtung und Respekt zu begegnen.

Jeder Mensch wird von Gott geliebt!


Dieser Text wurde verändert und basiert auf Gedanken von Gisela Baltes, geboren 1944; Diplom-Theologin, zuvor tätig als Lehrerin; langjährige Redakteurin der Zeitschriften „GLAUBEN leben“ und „MAGNIFICAT“.

ICDS Way of the Cross Meditation

Im Spirituellen Blog auf der ICDS-Webseite (LaiensalvatorianerInnen international) wird seit gestern eine Kreuzweg-Meditation, auch in deutscher Sprache, angeboten. Jeden Tag wird eine neue Station betrachtet. Auch und gerade in diesen Tagen der weitgehenden Trennung und Isolation vieler von uns könnte dies eine Möglichkeit zur Reflexion und zur Wiedererlangung der spirituellen Orientierung und Neukalibrierung sein. Eine vielleicht interessante Reise zu sich selbst …

Subject: HOLY WEEK

"Oh Holy Week, goes anyway only churchgoers and nuns what to. Us "normal" seems the whole thing more than somewhat antiquated, or at best of the track. Who still believes because today the whole Humbug?“

An opinion, how they might be heard in some places, if you speak to people on the street for Holy Week. And anyway Good Friday, what can you do with it? The one (Protestants) have now lost their holiday because of a decision at EU level, and the others will spend it as in recent years. The few, the afternoon still come to the crossroads, or to worship, can be in some places already counted on two hands. If at all still Younger really remember of what happened two thousand years ago - and consciously live this day?

I want to approach me the events with a difference. If the death of Jesus on the cross is no longer very relevant today, if these centuries repeatedly told story "no one pulls out from behind the stove", then maybe it's time, to look at the whole thing in the mirror today.

we reduce once the events on the essentials. So there's a man ... Yes why this must really be a man? – All right then. So there is a man, the world, which before him analyzed spreads and makes his own thoughts. The person notices, so that a lot is going wrong in society and with the people. Therefore, she decided, to bring the values ​​back into balance. But also more and admitted they had had to be lived authentically for these values.

Soon there were other, where this attitude, the words and gestures liked. They were impressed - and examined the closeness and friendship of this man. The openness towards people of either sex was something new, the love for the people something attractive and the love of God something Electrifying. So this group took care of soon to the outsiders and marginalized - and was just such in the eyes of some Established a.

So let's follow this metaphor, which tells of a man, who went, to the world another, a new, to give hitherto unknown face. but in the end the person seemed to fail because of the established society, has been (apparently) betrayed by a close friend - and some companions (Men and women) leave.

Let's now look at things upside down and not try death once as actual death, but just to be seen as a metaphor. As a metaphor for human, the, for whatever reason, crash in their own personal hell. They fall into a state, abandoned and lost, where everything suddenly goes black around them and no hope to have disappeared seems. It comes to panic, the complete withdrawal, because the formerly known world around them ceases to exist.

May be, that in such a situation, the total collapse of the spell: "Whenever you mean, there's nothing more, has emerged comes from somewhere a little light here. ". Because then, when the night is deepest, suddenly and unexpectedly opens a way out. It makes the breakthrough and access to a new force, rebirth as a new man. Suddenly you're a, who has gone through all the depths, the pain is no longer a stranger, – einer, has freed himself from "miraculous coincidence" out of this encirclement. A new person, the back is to his friends, but it because of the transformation, he has undergone, perhaps no longer recognize.

Is not that a wonderful story? A story, makes courage; – a story, written by life? A story, that really concerns all of us, especially the, who are physically or mentally ill and have grappled with all kinds of fears and pain – and at a time yet again healthy. Unfortunately, not everyone, lying on the ground, granted, get back up on its own. Since it is up to us, to help and to be instruments of such "miraculous coincidence", so that it can make life worth and dignity his life back.

And there is one week a year, in which I can devote myself to this idea wholeheartedly? Maybe time think about the history, and what it means for myself, thinking? One week, where I just do not try to avoid the pain, but I deliberately ask him. in for one week not distraction and displacement in the foreground, but the, what in our society of the rich and successful, the winners and lucky has no more space: namely, I try to live my personal life, the values ​​determined there and how I deal with its crises. But also, what pleasures providing life - and how pleasant it is, to carry my own cross and how happy I can be about it, when I compare my other.

Whether one is a believer or not, Holy Week has an important message for all of us. It tells of a man, who has risen again …