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Category: Food for thought

Text – Just food for thought …

The crack in the bowl

The crack in the bowl
There was once an old Chinese woman, had two large bowls, 
hung from the ends of a rod, which she wore over their shoulders.
One of the dishes was cracked, while the other was spotless and. 
At the end of the long walk from the river to the house of the old woman was the.
For two years, this was done daily: The old woman brought only.
The immaculate bowl was obviously very proud of their achievement,
But the poor bowl of the jump was ashamed because of their stigma.
After two years, to her like an endless failure occurred, 
said the bowl to the old woman: 
"I'm so ashamed for my jump, 
from all the way to your house always water running."
The old woman smiled: "If you have not noticed, 
that blooming flowers on your side of the road, 
but not on the other side of the bowl? 
I sowed on your side of the path flower seeds, 
because I was aware of your error.
Now you pour it every day, when we walk home. 
For two years I was able to pick these beautiful flowers. 
If you'd not just, how are you, 
this beauty would not exist and honor our house."
Author unknown: Bettina Gneist

Prayer of St. Theresa of Avila


Lord you know better than I, I'm getting older and I'm one day old.
Keep me from the fatal habit, to my, I had to say something to all and on all occasions.
Deliver me from the desire, want to bring everybody's business in order.
Make me thoughtfully and not moody, helpful, but not domineering.

Given my vast experience of life is depleted, it seems unfortunate, not to use all, but you know, Mr., I would like to have a few friends at the end. Save me, enumerate endless details; grant me wings to get to the main point. Seal my lips, as far as my pain and suffering. They take, and the pleasure it, enumerate them, is beneficial over the years. Much to ask for mercy, that I could find on the stories about the pain of others favor, I dare not. Help me, however,, they have patience.

I dare not, to solicit a better memory, but probably increasing modesty and decreasing confidence, if my memory with the memories of others seems to be in contradiction. Lead me to the great knowledge, that I could be wrong occasionally.

Am responsible for, I'm fairly amiable; I want to be a saint - some of them with it's so hard to live -, But a grumpy, old person is one of the outstanding works of the devil. Give me the ability, Good to discover in places, where I do not expect it and talents in people, which I do not zutraue.

And give me, oh Herr, the grace to tell them it also.


Escape to …

Fritz von Uhde - The Flight into Egypt (to 1891)

Fritz von Uhde – The Flight into Egypt (to 1891)

Eine-Psalm Meditation (Ps 69)

God, help me! For the waters have come up to her throat.

Today we remember the people, who had to leave their home, there because they could no longer live a decent life. Many of them a refuge and a new home in Europe have hoped. They have used their belongings and put their health and lives to play. Too many have been killed. continue reading

Where is Christmas?

CribEvery time, when we rush to the aid of another person … Christmas is.
Every time, if someone decides, easier to live … Christmas is.

Every time, when we are there for our neighbor without prejudice … Christmas is.
Every time, when a child is born and can grow up in peace … Christmas is.

Every time, when greed into generosity transformed … Christmas is.
Every time, if more than one community continue reading

“Daham” – or my home

Hardly a word was a man a hundred years ago as little questionable appeared as the concept of "home". These were simply about the place, where you belong there and you look at the – not only in a spatial sense of the word – versed. Other places were the "strangers", makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it looked like and the sound of the language seemed familiar. continue reading

With God on Vacation


May God go with me on vacation? Does God really leave – he has the necessary? – Nonsense – God does not make any holiday!

I think the thoughts are entitled. And who is of the opinion, God would never take a vacation, indulges in a deception. For that is just as nonsensical, than you might think, God lives in the church building and is only there to make. Of course he is in the services in our midst. But – Hand on heart, why, he should sit the whole week there and wait for the next Sunday? continue reading