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Tag Archives: Encounter

Meet God on vacation 2

City tourism is still booming and many people visit and admire the culture- and art treasures in the world's metropolises. This heritage also have a religious background. Painters and Sculptors of various eras wanted their access to the encounter with the Divine, or, if we restrict it to the Christian area, give access to their medical history expression. Today Admire numerous amazed people whose artistic legacies. If you take some time and considered as "art product" longer and closer, these stories tell of God and the world. Tell you about the often simple, other hand also difficult encounters. God's language is not always understood the same and some people need a long time, until he finally learns to understand - sometimes a whole lifetime. It can be the images and representations difficult to resist, whether they seem abstract or real. One thing in common - the desire to encounter God and the salvation.

Maybe an interesting thought, when you meet a work of art with a religious representation the next time. He begenet us, if He wills, where HE HE wants – and often quite unconventional!

With God on Vacation


May God go with me on vacation? Does God really leave – he has the necessary? – Nonsense – God does not make any holiday!

I think the thoughts are entitled. And who is of the opinion, God would never take a vacation, indulges in a deception. For that is just as nonsensical, than you might think, God lives in the church building and is only there to make. Of course he is in the services in our midst. But – Hand on heart, why, he should sit the whole week there and wait for the next Sunday? continue reading