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“Daham” – or my home

Hardly a word was a man a hundred years ago as little questionable appeared as the concept of "home". These were simply about the place, where you belong there and you look at the – not only in a spatial sense of the word – versed. Other places were the "strangers", makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it looked like and the sound of the language seemed familiar. continue reading

With God on Vacation


May God go with me on vacation? Does God really leave – he has the necessary? – Nonsense – God does not make any holiday!

I think the thoughts are entitled. And who is of the opinion, God would never take a vacation, indulges in a deception. For that is just as nonsensical, than you might think, God lives in the church building and is only there to make. Of course he is in the services in our midst. But – Hand on heart, why, he should sit the whole week there and wait for the next Sunday? continue reading

A general appeal

If today by calling the speech is, We usually think of “special” Forms of succession: to the priesthood and religious life. The Bible is such a narrow view of foreign. There are stories, to tell about it, that human kings, a prophet, to rescuers and saviors of the people of Israel, to mothers and (Adoptive)Fathers and many others, often inconspicuous tasks are called. continue reading

People …

Some people do not know
how important it is, that they are just there.

Some people do not know
how well do they see.

Some people do not know
how comforting their smile is amicable.

Some people do not know
how beneficial it is near.

Some people do not know
How much poorer would we be without them.

Some people do not know,
that they are a godsend.

But they knew,
We would tell them!

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Shell not channel

Shell, no channel

If you are reasonably, show yourself as a shell

and not as a channel, receives almost the same

and passes, while those waiting, until it is fulfilled.

In this way it gives the, what with her overflowing,

continue without peril, because they know, that the

is cursed, reduced its share of ...

We have many channels in the church today,

But very few shells. Those, by us

streams flow to the heavenly, have such a large

Love, that they would rather pour, than that they

is poured, that they would rather talk than listen,

that they are willing to teach, what have they not learned,

and set themselves up as head of the other,

while they can not govern themselves ...

Learn how you too, just pour out of the abundance, and I

no desire, to be generous as God.

The shell mimics the source for. Only when combined with water

is saturated, it flows to the river, it is at sea.

The shell is not ashamed, not to be flowing

What als die ...

You do the same! First fill and then pour.

The benevolent and wise love is used to gush,

not emanate ...

I do not want to be rich, If you will be empty. If you are with yourself that is bad umgehst, Who are you then good? If you can, save me from your wealth; unless, beautiful you.

Bernard v. Clairvaux (1090 – 1153)

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Fixed appearance of the Lord 6. January

See, the wise men have set out. Their feet to deliver Bethlehm,
But their hearts on pilgrimage to God. You searched HIM; But while they were looking for HIM,
He led them already. Do not believe, that man's a step
should refrain from, because God would do so but a thousand, so that both are
You see a star rise strange in the sky. And even if they
frightened by the boldness of their hearts, they obey and break it
on. You are winding paths, But in God's eyes it is the right path
to Him, because they seek Him in faith.
The road is long, the feet are tired and my heart is heavy. It feels
strangely, the poor heart, particularly because it has to be as the heart of the other
People, sunk in the area are so serious about their daily business, when they
pass compassionate or angry to see these travelers in the journey of
useless waste of the heart. But her heart stops by.
And as they finally arrive and kneel, do they only, what they actually
always did, what they are looking and travel already did: they bring the gold
of love, the incense of awe, the myrrh of their pain before the
Face of the invisible God.
Still, how they got, they disappear again from the horizon of
sacred history. But anyone who has his whole heart to the last drop
has wasted on the star, has already passed the adventure of his life,
has arrived, even if the path leads further.

Let us also go on an adventurous journey of the heart to God!
Let us forget and leave, What lies behind us!
It is still all future – because we find God still, more can be found.

The trail goes through deserts and eclipses. But do not despair, the star is there and lights. Of
say, he stands too small and too far in the firmament of thy
Heart? But it's there! He is small, because you have way to go yet!
He is only remotely, because of your generosity is an endless journey credited!
Break on, my heart, and wander! It lights up the star. Much you can not
carry on the way. And much is lost in transit to you. Let it go.
Gold of love, Frankincense of Our Lives, Myrrh of pain you have indeed
with you. He will assume. For thou shalt find Him!

Karl Rahner