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CDS-Wallfahrt nach Maria Grün

In my mind the way to go again …

It will be a hot day, above 30 ° C, said the weather forecast - sultry - thunderstorm pregnant. We will probably quite a sweat. In which ? Now we are on a path, a pilgrimage, – in the middle of the city. A way to a small Sanctuary, hidden in the lowland forests of the Vienna Prater. pilgrimage, that sounds so antiquated, as from another world. Who is today still the center of Vienna on a pilgrimage? Thoughts come high, remember the past pilgrimages days. Betend, turned away from the world, to the search for God, - And myself, do. Am I going to him, – I'm going to meet me, among all the other people, the buzz, everydayness surrounded us? Will we persevere in the group, despite or perhaps because of our diversity? Will any be something for everyone /?

Am already advanced the morning, the group meets at a Busendstelle close to the green Prater. This shows once again the difference and diversity, also represents the CDS. Some come on over 20 Minutes before the scheduled time for the meeting, other good just as much until later. Not easy, always bear this bandwidth. While one seeks to calm a, the already want to start walking, to wrestle himself to rest, because that (actually dispensable) Waiting for the stragglers but annoying somehow. But the majority of the people is in good spirits, nice to see in all the laughing faces. continue reading

Wallfahrt und Wallfahrtsorte


Pilgrimage to Gößweinstein of Rudolf Schiestl (1878–1931)

About meaning and sense

Pilgrimage or pilgrimage, referred to the walk or drive to distant holy places, often in joint processions of pilgrims, with prayer and, in the strict sense, with waiver of travel convenience. Pilgrimages were already in the Greek and Roman antiquity and the ancient Egyptians, made Persians and Indians. The nomadic origin of different peoples (z.B. Israel) was for the development of the pilgrimage being, d. h. the periodical return to certain sanctuaries, a favorable condition. Already Abraham reasoned such a pilgrimage shrine for his kin in Shechem in the “Oak of the oracle donor” ( → Gen 12, 7). Furthermore, the Bible tells us of Jacob's transition to Bethel, to worship only the one true God (→ Gen 35,7), or Isaac revelation in Beersheba, which also has the establishment of a place of worship to follow ( → Gen 26,25). And not to forget, Jacob intuition of the “Himmelsleiter” (→ Gen 28,11 ff).

Sanctuaries or sacred sites were not just built from the ground. They are found proven particularly in places, the sacred, or situated at the vicinity of a deity low, seem to be. In Genesis will total reported by the construction of seven altars. In this play as external signs of worship trees, Fountain and stones an essential role, as we later in tree, Quell- find and baetylus Christian pilgrimages. These places were a result of certain events, selected such as miracles or visionary phenomena. continue reading