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The newly elected Pope gave a press conference at a very profound insight into, causing him during the conclave, be victorious while began to emerge, mentally moving. If he succeeds, continue to follow this path, we can certainly expect great things from him. The question arises only, how far we can, the media, and the Vatican bureaucracy, to this. Because to think is also, Now what initially like and admiration is taken, may be in the actual shape may not be a completely different ud get desired by many face.

Nevertheless, we should focus on the management of St. Spirit and of course trust God. This also includes, that we support the new Pope through our prayer and our attitude in daily life there, where it is necessary and feasible. It was wonderful to see, how human greatness this man brought to his new office. It would be a shame, we would take him this again, because then we would be doing a disservice.


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