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From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

You touch the innermost of every person. Open the youth's heart, so that they discover their personal vocation.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN:

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

Du führst uns alle einen ganz persönlichen Weg. Lass uns jeden Tag neu beginnen, unsere Tauf-Berufung glaubwürdig zu leben.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

… Du führst als guter Hirte deine Kirche. Statte sie aus mit den Gaben des Heiligen Geistes, damit sich alle Berufungen entfalten können.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

… Dein Geist schenkt neue Kraft. Stärke alle, die in ihrem Dienst müde geworden sind und gib ihnen neue Freude an ihrer Berufung.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

… Dein Evangelium kann die Welt erneuern. Schenke den Ordensgemeinschaften Menschen, die mithelfen, den Weg in die Zukunft zu gestalten, sowie unser Gesellschaft und unseren Familien ein Klima, in dem sich geistliche Berufe entfalten können.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

Du bist uns nahe in den Sakramenten. Erwecke in vielen jungen Männern die Bereitschaft, dir und den Menschen als Priester zu dienen.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.



From the darkness of the middle shines forth - Christ: Life, not, Light - source, Route and destination of each, which can be called by HIM, to the cooperation and interaction of the WORLD ENLIGHTEN.

Lord Jesus Christ, you call people and lead them together in the Community.

Du bist die Quelle der Einheit und der Vielfalt der Kirche. Schenke uns engagierte Menschen mit gestandener Persönlichkeit, die sich für deine Kirche einsetzen, mit ihrer Berufung als Priester und Diakone, als Ordensleute und Laien.

to you, the father, from which all emanates vocation - you, the Incarnate Word, the calls us, and you, the Holy Spirit, moves the heart, thank and praise offered today, and forever. Amen.








Quelle: Gemeinschaft des Päpstlichen Werkes für geistliche Berufe (PWB) im Bistum Aachen, Text verändert.

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