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Places of Power – 2


Sacred Grove Arnold Böcklin – oil on wood 1886

Kultplätzen – whether younger or older, is common, put people on them a special behavior on the day. Hence there are behaviors, which are the same despite different history and culture everywhere or similar:

  • The holy place is approached reverently and expectantly, there even for a ritual. With the entire body and the spirit one imagines it, a. → example: Moses closer to the bush (→ Ex 3 ff.)
  • Once the head is covered, once he is exposed. Man washes and rinses his mouth, one sprinkled with holy water and avoid pollution and bloodshed. → By the latter is about a desecrated church and must be reconsecrated. A mosque is entered not only because of the physical purity with bare feet.
  • Only those who behaves cultic justice, may come closer. → Examples: disposing of footwear in Islam, or. ablutions other religions (→ Hinduism) but also in the baptism of Christians. Here, it should be noted, that was only accessible through the Taufhalle at old churches in actual church.[1] True reverence is the appropriate attitude of man, has traveled to the sacred space.
  • The Blessed Sacrament should not get too close to you, one hand, out of reverence, other hand, because his strength could hurt and it's dangerous. Where reveal → force and healing, is a holy, healing place.

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Maria Magdalena – Apostelin der Apostel


Noli me tangere, fresco by Fra Angelico

Maria Magdalena ist jene Frau in den Schriften des Neuen Testaments, welche als Erste dem auferstandenen Jesus begegnete, deshalb wurde sie schon in der frühen Kirche als Apostelgleiche verehrt. Im 3. Jahrhundert verlieh ihr Hippolyt von Rom (Kirchenvater) die ehrenvolle Bezeichnung Apostola apostolorum – „Apostelin der Apostel“. Wie ist diese Auszeichnung zu verstehen, wenn doch über Jahrhunderte ein ganz anderes Bild von Maria Magdalena vermittelt wurde?

Das Evangelium nach Johannes erzählt uns, dass Maria am Ostermorgen allein zum Grab aufbrach, um den Leichnam zu salben. Zu ihrer Bestürzung fand sie dieses leer, woraufhin sie zu Simon und Johannes eilte und ihnen darüber berichtete[1]. Danach kehrte sie wieder zum Grab zurück und nun begegnete sie als erster Mensch dem Auferstandenen[2]: Während sie in Tränen aufgelöst und entsetzt über das Geschehene vor dem Grab verweilt, tritt ein Mann auf sie zu, den sie vermeintlich für den Gärtner hält. Und plötzlich, als dieser sie beim Namen genannt hatte, erkannte sie Jesus als Lebenden. Sie durfte ihn jedoch nicht anfassen: Berühre mich nicht – „noli me tangere“ – , (besser: „Halte mich nicht fest!“), dies, so heißt es, entgegnete er ihr. – Der Auferstandene ist mit einfachen Sinnen nicht mehr fassbar! continue reading

Zum Tag: Mariä Verkündigung

Eine image viewing



Fra Angelico - actually Guido of Pietro, lived from about 1390 – 1455 in Italy and was a painter the Italian early Renaissance. his image Verkündigung the Diocesan Museum Cortona let's look more closely now.

The picture shows two scenes. The one in the foreground in the portico and another left in the background. we stay once at the main scene in the foreground, the events in the portico. continue reading

tell why someone from God …?



tell why someone from God, der davon gar nichts hören will?

Warum jemand auf Gott aufmerksam machen, dessen Aufmerksamkeit ganz auf Geld und Besitz gerichtet ist?

Wozu jemand die Nächstenliebe spüren lassen, der selbst keine Liebe erwidern will?

Warum für jemand beten, den man gar nicht kennt, oder dem dies nichts bedeutet?

Warum zu jemanden freundlich sein, wenn einem nur Neid und Missgunst entgegenschlägt?

Wie jemanden vorschwärmen vom Heil Gottes, wenn dieser die menschlichsten Grundbedürfnisse nicht am eigenen Leib erfahren kann?

Warum christlichen Werten nachhängen, wo doch der Alltag immer unchristlicher wird?

Vielleicht weil ich Dich, den einzig wahren Gott erkannt habe,
and den Du gesandt hast – Jesus Christus …



Places of Power – 1


Whether you are a believer or not – there are certain places and places in our world, which have their own character, exercise its own charisma to us, which almost no one can escape. These are now to follow some articles, the auseinaneder contact those places a little more.

Places of worship

chatresFamous and much-visited places, such as Stonehenge, the pyramids, the Cathedral of Chartres, and about in our country the Mariazell Basilica or the Gurk Cathedral, but also the next shrine around the corner, have a spiritual connection and are not just happen in places, where we find them today. When choosing a location,, Orientation and design were specific energetic field structures considered[i]. Also, there are not only historical, but mystical reasons, urging us to visit the places. We live here in our Western world in a dictated by market economy and consumer welfare society. The gods have become a different nature, have received other names and relationships, and sometimes raises the question - what are the ancient places of worship, inozu they served or. what function they can still meet today? What motivates increasingly more and more young people, in our so clarified appearing time, to go on pilgrimage, To undertake pilgrimages and visit often thousands of years old places?

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Our deepest fear …


…is not it, to be insufficient.
Our deepest fear is this is,
that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness,
was we fear most.
We wonder, who am I,
to think of me,
I brilliant, great,
am gifted and unique?

But that's the point,
why should not it be?
You're an Child of God.
You make small does not help a wide.
There is nothing enlightened about, located withdraw,
so that other people
not feel insecure around you.

We are all invited,
how the children to shine.
We were born, to the glory of God,
the in us is, to bring to the world.
She is not in some from us,
they is in each.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission,
to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
automatically liberates our being the other.

Nelson Mandela

Ash Wednesday


The road from Ash Wednesday to Easter,

this is one way

from the desert to the garden,
from death to life,
from darkness to light,
Fasting for celebration,
of the privation to meet,
by thirst for water,
the tree of death of the tree of life,
of the decision to leave
up to the target.


A way of the desert blooming garden. continue reading

Thoughts on Valentine's Day


On 14. February, Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the country. Especially Anglicans came this day in fashion and brings the flowers and candy sellers good sales. It is a celebration of love, which is brought by small gifts to our loved ones to express. Only a commercial party or could be hidden more here?

If you browse in history, so says the tradition[1] of two different Valentine and this mixed and at the same time. There is even a Saint Valentine and on the other side Valentine of Rome. Perhaps it is, but also about one and the same person. Valentine of Rome is as simple priest lovers despite the ban by Emperor Claudius II. have married according to Christian rites and for the 14. February 269 have been executed. Moreover, Valentin had the newlyweds flowers from his garden gift. Marriages, entered into by him, have been, according to tradition under a lucky star. Bishop Saint Valentine is said to have won in Rome by a medical cure many people to the Christian faith. This earned him an accusation in court and around the year 268 martyred by beheading. continue reading

My YES in the Salvatorian Mission

SMY15On Saturday, the 17. January began holding a study day on solidarity objective of the Salvatorian mission and Salvatorian Family in Austria. In conversation with a guest and a brother to me was my YES to this year of the Salvatorian mission once more aware.

Was are LaiensalvatorianerInnen? How is it different from other lay Christians? In some quarters then you often hear first - they have a promise. And further?

Thinks one about the vision of P. Jordan after (and developed it using the now past history and present realities more), it saddens, that one wants to often reduce ourselves to the promise. Therefore, it is time, to consider what lies behind the promise or. in order to is connected. continue reading